About the ride
Our mission is to continue to raise awareness of bicycling rights and laws, promote bicycle safety, health and well being thru bicycling.
Our ride was originally organized by a group of family and friends created to honor Tony Serrano’s memory after he was tragically hit from behind and unfortunately killed in 2004 while training on his bike for an Ironman competition.
Due to the increasing number of participants, sponsors and volunteers that we are honored with each year our organization has been able to donate more than $100,000 since the original Tony Serrano Century Ride. Our purpose was and still is to support bicycle safety programs, events and advocacy efforts that pertain to bicycling throughout Georgia. Please bookmark us as a favorite and visit us often as our site is continually updated and improved.

Additional Beneficiaries
A statewide organization working to improve bicycling conditions and promote bicycling throughout the state. We are helping Georgia become a safer place for us to bike.
Director DeDe Harris recognizes the value of cycling as part of a healthy community. She has created the Agrocycle Tour and Project Road Share.
Safe Kids Worldwide is a global organization dedicated to preventing injuries in children, the number one killer of kids in the United States.